Growth Works is a community organization, and we see it as our responsibility to respond to the needs of the communities we serve. It’s no secret that there is a connection between Mental Health and Substance, and that there has been an increasing need for Mental Health Services over the past few years. So while many still see Growth Works as a substance use treatment organization, we see our mission as much great than that.
May was Mental Health Awareness Month and Growth Works partnered with several of our local communities to host two events, Together for Mental Health, to share information and resources regarding Mental Health with our community. Our first event was hosted at the Livonia Rec Center and featured Mayor of Livonia, Maureen Brosnan, Livonia City Councilman Rob Donovic, Livonia Police Sergeant Scarantino, Livonia Public Schools Director of Student Services, Jennifer Taiariol and Growth Works, Western Wayne CMO/YAP-Director Jennifer Sibel. Each of these panelists had the opportunity to address the audience to share their perspectives on the need for Mental Health services across their environments as well as sharing how far we have come and the progress we have made to address these challenges.
The second event in our two part series took place at the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Center, PARC and featured City of Plymouth Mayor Nick Moroz, Canton Township Director of Public Safety and Police Chief Chad Baugh, Livonia City Councilman, Rob Donovic, Plymouth Canton Schools Psychologist, Kathy Grodus, and Growth Works, Community Relations Director Laura Reiners. Mayor Nick Moros stated, “A mental health crisis can happen to anybody and they can come at any time…Dispelling the stigma means saying it’s okay to not be okay, but it also means making it possible for community providers to provide resources and connect with those who need it most.” Bringing these community leaders together to share their struggles, their personal stories and their message of hope made for a powerful event that set the wheels in motion for even greater change here in our community. Click here to see the video of our panel and discussion at the PARC. Growth Works is grateful for the support and partnerships we share with many local municipalities, public safety departments, school districts, health care systems, nonprofits, human service organizations and many other great resources here in Southeast Michigan. Our mission is to help individuals and families restore hope, embrace change and improve their lives and this work would not be possible without our support system of partners and friends. We want to thank all of our community partners who played a role in bringing this important conversation to our community. And we look forward to sharing more about our work in the communities we serve.