Who Do We Serve?
Growth Works Western Wayne CMO serves clients and families who reside in the Western Wayne area that have been referred by Third Judicial Circuit to receive case management and supervision. Since the inception of the Growth Works Western Wayne Care Management Organization (WWCMO), we have served approximately 9,850 youth and their families. We serve youth living in the 17 communities that make up the Conference of Western Wayne. Our data for clients from 2019 to present day can be found below, split out by levels of probation (P1 community placement and P2 out-of-home placement) with the ability to drill down to see demographic makeup.
How Do We Help?
Growth Works Western Wayne CMO assists clients in becoming law-abiding, productive members of society by providing therapeutic and behavioral interventions from a trauma-informed approach. Treatment services are focused on addressing the client’s root causes of their at-risk behavior in hopes of providing the best opportunity for rehabilitation and future success. Growth Works has a long, rich history of providing youth and family support. We pride ourselves on knowing that more can always be done for youth and family support. We have expanded our Case Management Program to look at multiple avenues to increase quality of life and offer a variety of services to our youth, often not offered by other Case Management Programs, such as:
- Parent-Directed Services
- Substance Abuse Screening & In-House Treatment through our CITx Program
- Tutoring and Mentorship Programs
- Community Spot Checks
What Differentiates Us?
WWCMO has been a leader in the development of care paths, community teams to address Balanced and Restorative Justice, and residential drug treatment programs. The agency’s innovative approach to case management has provided:
- Public Safety: A low level of recidivism to support safety in the community
- Juvenile Competency: Clients with knowledge and skills useful to become productive members of society
- Offender Accountability: The opportunity for youth to take responsibility of their previous behaviors to add value back to the community in which they reside