About Us

Our Story - Over 50 Years of Treatment and Support

Growth Works has a long, rich history of providing youth and family support and addiction counseling in Wayne County, Michigan. Initially, Growth Works was founded in 1971 as a drop-in youth center to provide a place for local youth to be active in a safe environment. Providing this safe space was an endeavor to keep local children engaged in positive activities, reducing the likelihood of substance abuse and delinquency. While the effort was successful, Growth Works’ founders knew the organization could do more for youth and families.

Growth Works Introduces Counseling and Case Management Services

Growth Works introduced counseling programs to address delinquency and youth struggling with chemical dependency. Treatments focused on addressing the root causes of chemical dependency and often included parental engagement. While growing the successful counseling programs, additional services were identified to better serve youth and families.

Case management services for adjudicated youth became a part of Growth Works’ expanding community support in the 1990s. In the early 2000s, our organization took the initiative to support Wayne County and the surrounding communities, all while continuing to develop new social services offered to youth and families. A premier provider of social services for youth and families, Growth Works created and adopted a full menu of youth and family counseling and support services, maintaining innovative programs to help address growing concerns about substance abuse, chemical dependency, and family issues in the courts.

Our Mission & Values

Growth Works’ mission is to help individuals and families restore hope, embrace change, and improve their lives. Below are our values:

Growth Works Today

Through its long history of service to the community, Growth Works has emerged as a leader in supporting youth and families in Southeast Michigan. Today, the agency continues to grow and enhance services with a greater emphasis on promoting stronger families, adult treatment resources, early intervention programming, and community-based opportunities for youth. All staff members go through intensive trauma informed care training to better understand themselves, their team members and their clients.

Growth Works strives to be a positive force for the people it serves throughout the region. One of the keys to Growth Works’ continued success is its ability to bring organizations and community leaders together to create resources for those in need. We celebrate our unique relationships with many partners, including Western Wayne County schools, public officials, police departments, and non-profit organizations.

Growth Works provides services in four locations; Plymouth, Canton, Garden City, and Romulus. Growth Works also partners with many organizations to provide services to our clients. It is our goal to provide highest quality case management solutions, family services, substance abuse, and chemical dependency programs in Wayne County.

Growth Works’ annual report and IRS 990 are available on request.

Our Leadership

Senior Leadership

Nick Griswold – Chief Executive Officer
Brian Langlois – Chief Operating Officer
Jessica Klotz – Chief Strategy Officer
Sarah Cross – FASE Program Director
Lindsey Manza – CITx Program Director
Laura Reiners – Community Relations Director
Jen Sibel – CMO Program Director
Shawna Walker – Human Resources Director
Deanna Wheeler – Chief Financial Officer
Jewel Wilson– Residential Treatment Program Manager

Board of Directors

David Sculati — President
Susan Brown — Vice President
Jordyn Sellek — Secretary
Neal Schultz — Treasurer
Tom Fielder — Board Member
Kevin Fischer — Board Member
Dr. Cynthera McNeill — Board Member
John Nepiuk — Board Member
Ann O’Flaherty — Board Member
Mike Siegrist — Board Member
Bill Ventola — Board Member
Bill Weber — Board Member
John Zech — Board Member