Support Growth Works Today!
As a non-profit organization, every donation has an impact. Your support helps us to meet the growing needs of the communities that we serve. Our long history of serving the community demonstrates our determination and resolve in helping people rise above the challenges of substance abuse and juvenile delinquency with proven addiction treatments and support models.
Your donation will aid us in our mission to help individuals and families restore hope, embrace change, and improve their lives. Click here to donate now.
Bergquist Fund
The Bergquist Fund was created in honor of Rick J. Bergquist, a former client of Growth Works, from 2006-2010. Rick J. Bergquist passed away on November 12th, 2013. The Bergquist Fund was established to increase opportunities for Growth Works adolescent clients in honor of his memory and life.
Family Services Fund
Growth Works Family Assessment Support Education (FASE) program provides supervised visitation to families in Wayne County. This program protects children and families that have a history of violence and unpredictable behaviors and provides safe and secure places for children to meet their noncustodial parents. Your donation helps fund this program and protects children and families in Wayne County, Michigan.
Substance Use Treatment Fund
Growth Works Substance Use Treatment programs provides a continuum of services including adolescent outpatient and intensive outpatient treatment, adult outpatient treatment, adult relapse prevention, and Peer Coaching. Your donation helps fund this program that impacts individuals in Wayne County, Michigan.
Suicide Prevention Fund
The Suicide Prevention Coalition powered by growth Works started through a Community Health Needs Assessment initiated by St. Mary Mercy Hospital Trinity Health in 2015. The Coalition seeks to address youth suicide prevention, support mental health, and aim for zero completed youth suicides. We hope you can make this goal a reality through your generous support.
In Memory of...
The In Memory Of fund is dedicated to those individuals that are no longer with us today. This fund is an opportunity to honor those individuals by creating a legacy of impact at Growth Works in their name. All donations will help support the programmatic work of Growth Works.
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail your donation to:
Growth Works
Attn: Nick Griswold
271 S. Main Street
Plymouth, MI 48170